ethoscentric Marketing is an idea. A theory. A belief, that by Discovering, Developing, Defining, and Documenting your company ethos, it will help guide, and make easier, all future business decisions. You’ll be confident that you’re making decisions that are in the best interests of the company, and have less likelihood that you’ll regret those decisions later.

Then, it’s a matter of Demonstrating your ethos, which will then Draw other likeminded customers, strategic suppliers, and employees to your cause.

ethos:  the fundamental distinguishing characteristics, or underlying sentiment that informs the beliefs, customs, or practices of a person, group, community or society.

And, it all starts with Defining the basic human need that your company is dedicated to fulfilling. Have you defined yours?

If not. Let’s.

If so. Let’s tell the world!


This is a blog, a collection of thoughts, ideas, and insights gathered over my career. Psychology, consumer behaviour, management, and a variety of other marketing related topics discussed.


Here you`ll find a collection of work that I’ve had the pleasure of helping to create.


ethoscentric Marketing offers a variety of conceptual and practical services, from campaign conception and copywriting, through production and post-processing.