Don’t get me wrong, I believe that “a picture is worth a thousand words”, however, consider this…
Close your eyes and think of the word “Mother”, go ahead take 5 seconds, I’ll wait…
…Okay. What images came to mind? I’ll bet an image of your mother came first. Then a slew of moments in time that you shared with her. If you’re a man whose got kids, you might have seen images of their mother and times you remember that you watched on as they shared moments. If you’re a mom, you probably had a glimpse or 200 of moments you’ve shared with your children. Maybe you even had glimpses of other mothers; ones you wish you were more like, ones your glad you’re not like, your friends mothers from childhood, mothers on T.V. The list can go on, as the human brain is a marvelously unpredictable thing.
What I’m getting at is, while a picture is worth a thousand words, one word can convey any number of images within the minds eye, and therefore, one word can be worth so much more.
The power of Words
We Use Words To Explain Images
Speech is the basest of human communication devices. Words came into being when, as cavefolk, our grunts and gestures started to get muddled. Stories told around the fire came before books, the visual representation of words. You use words to convey what an image is, what’s in it, how it makes you feel. The Mona Lisa is a painting of a woman, with the slightest hint of a smile, which makes me wonder, what is she thinking about?
When is the last time you couldn’t find an image to convey your meaning?
Now, when is the last time you agonized over not being able to think of a word to convey your meaning?
Words Are Powerful
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” This is probably one of the few lies my mother ever told me.
Words carry meaning, otherwise, why do we care about our epitaphs? Why do we ask the condemned if they have any last words?
Words can get us to the moon (see JFK’s Address at Rice University)
Words can change an entire ideology (see Martin Luther King Jr.’s ‘I Have a Dream‘ speech)
Words in songs, psalms, fables and quotes are adopted everyday to change our lives.
Think of the difference between the words “like” and “love”.
It’s awesome to have someone say they “like” you, but when someone says they “love” you, it means so much more doesn’t it?
(Now, where’s the “love” button on Facebook?)
In Marketing Your Business,
Word Choice is so Very Important
Starting with the company name. What images, and therefore other words, are brought to mind when your name is thought of?
What words does your company stand for? (trying to differentiate from your competitors here could prove to be difficult)
Do all your marketing materials use these same words or complementary words to keep these mental images constant?
Words are powerful, and when given the proper respect when choosing them, they can do amazing things.
Couple them with powerful images that convey even more words, that convey even more words, and the results can prove to achieve the unimaginable.
One of my favourite sites to visit is where I’ve seen that by changing one word, it can vastly change the effectiveness of an ad or webpage etc. Now if, by changing one word can increase your revenue doesn’t show you the power of words, I don’t know what will.
In business and in your personal life, words are how you communicate, and will affect your relationships, give them the respect they deserve and choose wisely my friends!
Have you witnessed an instance where changing your wording affected results?
How much effort do you put into choosing your words?
Join in the conversation by leaving a few words below!